Sunday 28 October 2012

sunday portrait 1

This is a new thing that I'm going to do; each week I will post a photo of myself and tell you about my week, what things I've done, what I've bought, etc. So here goes week #1...

001. OK well I have been ill for the past week and today was no exception. I have such a sore throat, a really chesty cough and my whole body aches. The only thing that can possibly help this out is paracetamol and retail therapy. To be perfectly honest, I was expecting some sort of fatal illness (I'm exaggerate a lot, drama queen) when Halloween is approaching as it happens every year, is it some sort of sign that I'm not supposed to *celebrate* Halloween. Hopefully I will be better for Halloween because if not I am not prepared to go out in the cold for a couple of hours when I feel like I'm dying.

002. This week has been a good week for my bank account but a awful week for my make up bag and wardrobe. I have bought absolutely nothing apart from Vitamin Water and paracetamol, such fun.

003. The highlight of my week has got to be today, when I went down to the Newcastle Quayside Market; I absolutely loved going down when I was little. I went for a quick walk along the market (I did have to buy some vitamin water from the bus station to give myself some fuel) then walked into the main city centre for Starbaaaaks. There is nothing better than the Starbucks Signature Hot Chocolate and Chocolate Chunk Cookie on a cold day. I wrapped up warm in my winter jumper, UGGs and Barbour. Every Saturday without fail practically, I go out and I can't believe I stayed in yesterday.

004. Despite everything this week has been pretty good because on Friday I broke up for half term, a week off school; which means not waking up at 7:00am and I get to spend my days shopping and blawging! Oh yeah and Hannah Pickup (@madeforpickup) followed and tweeted me on my personal twitter.

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